Author: Kevin Micalizzi

  • Sometimes recharging just isn’t enough

    Saturday I went to a family gathering about 2 hours away from my home. Had a great day until the drive home. I was about 1/2 hour from home, signalled that I was changing lanes when my car experienced some electrical craziness. The radio and air conditioner went out and I lost my dashboard indicators.…

  • Stuck on a problem? Shift your perspective.

    “We can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.” –Albert Einstein Here’s a thought for today. To solve problems you have to think differently. I’ve noticed I often fall into the trap of using the same narrow thinking to solve a problem that created the problem in…

  • Lesson from a porcupine, watch your reaction

    Last week I was driving along one of the back roads near my home. When I rounded the corner, I found a porcupine crossing the road. He saw my car and started running. I had already moved left to avoid him, but I guess he thought I was moving too quickly for him to get…

  • Staying organized

    It took me a numer of years to find a personal organization system that I could embrace. I started with the Franklin-Covey paper-based planning system but things always fell apart when I didn’t want to transfer uncompleted tasks to the next day. I didn’t make it more than six months before I abandoned the system.…

  • Getting started

    The software is set up, so the only thing left to do is to start posting to my blog. I’m still not sure exactly what I want to focus on, but I’m sure it will evolve over time. -k