Tag: social networking
Navigating the social media currents, together in NH
When working with any emerging approaches to business (and technologies), understanding what’s working for people and where things are going is a constant challenge. There are self-professed experts willing to sell you a “package solution” to get you up to speed. I’ll skip getting into a discussion of the pitfalls and ethical questions people raise…
Tip: At events, find people more shy than you
A friend of mine will be attending her first social media event this Friday. She’s joining us at the Social Media Breakfast NH BBQ. I’ve been thinking about the best advice I can give her — she told me that she’s shy at this type of event. Having attended a number of events, I recommend:…
Interview with Christine Major, High tech PR pro and social media junkie
Background Last week I had the opportunity to sit down with Christine Major of PerkettPR. I first met Christine in August at a Tweetup in Cambridge, MA organized by author, blogger, and Forrester Online Community Manager John Cass. Since then I’ve been following her on Twitter (@CMajor). Through her I’ve learned of several events in…