Month: October 2010

  • Being There is Not a Strategy

    I had a great opportunity to run a working session at PodCamp NH 2010 this weekend on social media strategy. I presented a few slides for a framework, and then an excellent discussion followed. Being There is Not a Strategy Four people volunteered to talk about their goals so we could work on them together.…

  • Don’t leave them hanging, follow-up again

    The question was asked on Facebook, it was easier to follow-up and continue the conversation via email. Great, the customer was helped, everything’s good, isn’t it?  Yes, but no. Did you go back and close the original conversation in some way to indicate where the conversation went? While our focus is on the active conversation,…

  • Navigating the social media currents, together in NH

    When working with any emerging approaches to business (and technologies), understanding what’s working for people and where things are going is a constant challenge. There are self-professed experts willing to sell you a “package solution” to get you up to speed. I’ll skip getting into a discussion of the pitfalls and ethical questions people raise…