Web Strategy Resume – v1

After a minor glitches, the first draft of my updated resume is below.

A couple things to note:

  • my goal is to shift the focus of my experience from just technology management to better reflect the broader web management and strategy experience I have
  • the formatting is readable, but I’ve had to switch editors and reformat 4 times now, so I’ve given up on going for the truly beautiful layout until a later draft
  • I feel like the summary bullets at the top are incomplete. I loosely used Jeremiah Owyang’s web strategy competencies for organizing the summary — does it resonate?
  • the objective statement is a first pass — and lacking.  it generally covers what I’m looking for but any advice is greatly appreciated

(the doc is shared with Scribd — use the icon in the upper right to expand viewing area for an easier read)

Resume – Kevin P. Micalizzi – Web Strategy – Sept 2008Upload a Document to Scribd
Read this document on Scribd: Resume – Kevin P. Micalizzi – Web Strategy – Sept 2008

Please let me know what you think.



**** update 9/10/2008 9:50 am EST ****
Changed objective statement with @jamesrsullivan‘s help from “Attain a leadership position focused on web strategy within an organization that leverages web/online as a core tool to further business objectives.” to “Lead cutting-edge web organization with focus on strategy, in a company that embraces innovation.”  Scribd gave an error on the upload of the revision — had to post it all over again.  Sorry for anyone who saw an error on the embedded doc.






4 responses to “Web Strategy Resume – v1”

  1. Josh Avatar

    Check out ResumeBucket.com

    Same idea 🙂

  2. Kevin Micalizzi Avatar

    Thanks Josh, I'll take a look!

  3. Josh Avatar

    Check out ResumeBucket.com

    Same idea 🙂

    1. Kevin Micalizzi Avatar

      Thanks Josh, I’ll take a look!