Author: Kevin Micalizzi

  • Kev’s Rules for Community

    For the September, 2009 Social Media Breakfast NH (#smbnh) at the Manchester, NH Public Library I gave this talk about my rules for community. I call it ‘Kev’s Rules for Community’. My rules are simple: Be Real Address the Need Be the Gatekeeper

  • Kev’s Rules–3 Rules for Online Community Engagement

    For the September, 2009 Social Media Breakfast NH (#smbnh) at the Manchester, NH Public Library I gave this talk about my rules for community.  I call it ‘Kev’s Rules for Community’. I try to live these rules every day–whether I’m engaging online via twitter, blogs, or any other tools.  The rules are simple: Be Real (don’t be…

  • Tip: At events, find people more shy than you

    A friend of mine will be attending her first social media event this Friday.  She’s joining us at the Social Media Breakfast NH BBQ. I’ve been thinking about the best advice I can give her — she told me that she’s shy at this type of event.  Having attended a number of events, I recommend:…

  • Why I’m not using my Google Voice number

    I have a Google Voice number (originally from a Grand Central beta invite.) I love the concept, but I don’t publish my Google Voice number.  Why am I passing up on making use of cool technology that can route my calls to me wherever I am?  Fear of audio advertising. We’re inundated with advertising throughout our…

  • Tips for getting your social media job application process off to a good start.

    As someone reviewing resumes for a Social Media & Web Marketing Specialist position, I’d like to share some tips.  In the first 48 hours I had about 100 people email me.  I’m guessing other employers are having similar experiences.  Some of these tips really aren’t social media specific, but take my advice: Everyone wants to…

  • Twitter convenience vs. security – a cautionary tale

    Last Thursday ended up being a very interesting afternoon.  During lunch I went out to run some errands.  At one point (while waiting at a red light) I checked Twitter to see the following: I’m grateful that @AppraiserJenn took the time to let me know.  A few hours before I had tweeted a link to…

  • Remember The Milk forgot me

    When I switched to Mac, I had to give up my habit of using Outlook for managing my task list (Entourage doesn’t sync Tasks to the server and I typically have 100+ items on my lists).  After some research, I went with Remember The Milk and signed up for a 1-year account (in January 2009)…

  • Evernote is my hero

    I’ve been using Evernote for years now.  When I switched to Mac a few months ago I noticed a problem with the Evernote client for Mac.  When I would select a category for my note, it would jump to a seemingly random category regardless of what I selected.  I could work around this by going…

  • Be real, be brief on Twitter (just ask Sean Bohan)

    I’ve been extremely behind on my blog reading and started to catch up tonight.  One post that caught my attention was from Sean Bohan, My 11 Twitter Guidelines.  There’s plenty of Twitter advice out there, but few who boil it down to the essentials like Sean did.  All 11 recommendations are good, but two really…

  • Poor theater experience, good customer service to the rescue!

    Went to see Underworld: Rise of the Lycans last weekend.  We usually watch our movies at home (via NetFlix) so going to the movie theater is a real treat.  We decided to go to CineMagic in Merrimack, NH, because of their stadium seating and generally good service. The theater for Underworld was barely a quarter…